Reliable transportation should be an obligation. I will create equity and accessibility for all modes of transportation and bring overdue improvements to subway lead times, bus routes, street congestion, and e-bike regulation so that you can get to where you need to go safely and quickly.
The upcoming G train closure is a critical opportunity to fulfill long overdue improvements. We must improve lead time and make sure that the train is extended to its full length by increasing the number of train cars. It is also essential that we have reliable alternatives in place during the closure.
I will collaborate with stakeholders to ensure safety and efficiency, and I will commit to pushing for NYC's bus fleet to transition to 100% electric.
It is essential that all future street redesigns follow a standardized protocol to ensure that all residents have the opportunity to provide feedback. We must ensure robust outreach to affected communities via the channel that is accessible to them and engage in a systematic and well-organized approach.
E-Bike Regulation
I will push for more education, regulation, and enforcement of E-bike usage. This includes safe storage of bike batteries, promoting understanding of where and how E-bikes should be used as a transportation mechanism, upholding of regulations, and fines for offenders.
I will promote and expand the Street Deliveristas Hubs pilot program, which will benefit our neighborhoods by improving infrastructure and city-owned properties that no longer have their traditional uses. The program will also renovate underutilized structures that offer essential workers shelter and provide space to charge electronics, and bike repair services.